Whitney, Sister O'Bryant and Sister DeWidt |
Well, this week for me has been insane!
On Monday we had to get everything ready for the new sister to come join us as a trio. On Tuesday we went and picked up the new sister at transfer meeting. The sister who joined us is Sister DeWidt. She has been out as long as Sister Bee, so for 9 months. She is from Gilbert, Arizona and will be turning 20 next month.
My favorite part of transfer meeting.... wait for it... Karen, my nonmember neighbor friend from Manchester was there!!!!!!!!!!!!!! She came so she could say hi and give notes to the sisters she knew!!!!! Out of her and Kathy, she was the one that was the least interested. We talked for a while and then she was looking around and said that she really liked it there and that it was very beautiful and peaceful and that she would have to bring Kathy and show it to her! It was soooo great!!!! I really miss them.
And then, on Thursday at 6 pm, as we were headed to a dinner appointment, we got a call from President Stoker saying that a sister was going home and so Sister O'Bryant was getting emergency transferred and we had to be at the mission office the next day at 11 am!!! So she had to pack within a few hours and couldn't say goodbye to anyone and is now in Oxford, Maine. I had to be the one to drive to and from Manchester and it is a 3 hour drive. So, in total I drove for 6 hours with just a small break in between!!!! Now we are down to two again...
SO for the rest of the week we've been trying to contact less actives and potential investigators. That part of the week has been slow but good.
Oh, on Saturday, we were tracting and we tracted in to a man who is 93. We invited him to learn and he proceeded to tell us how he was lonely and how his wife had passed away and we were able to testify of prophets through some of his questions. Bet then it got awkward (of course) when he said to me, "You are one beautiful woman!" Then he turned to my companion and said, "You are too of course." He then turned back to me and said, "Wow!" And then he went on to tell me how lonely he is...
After that, we met a lady who we were able to bear testimony to about our Savior and refer her to Mormon.org.
Then I was asked to give the lesson in Relief Society last minute so that was fun too and went really well! It was on the priceless blessings in the Lord's house. They all participated and we ended up having a discussion on eternal families and geneology.
My studies this week have been great! I was reading in Alma 2 and it is the chapter about the Nephites fighting the Amlicites and the Lamanites. As I read it I paralleled the Nephites to the people of God, the Amlicites to discouragement and the Lamanites to sin and temptation. And as the Nephites fought with all their might and relied on God, they were able to overcome Discouragement and Temptation.
I also was reading in Matthew and I love how once the Apostles came to know that Jesus Christ is the Son of God that Christ was able to give them more knowledge and told them three times (at the point where I'm reading) that he was going to be crucified and rise on the third day. I just love the scriptures so much!!!
Today we will be doing laundry and going shopping. There is a store below our apartment (besides the pet store) that has clothes and stuff. I may have to get me a Vermont Hoodie. :)
Well, I am out of time. I love you so much!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You have to have Ben n Jerry's ice cream when you live a half hour away from the factory |
bicycle garden? |
Big thunderstorm on Sunday |
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