Monday, November 17, 2014

Lost SD card and lifelike dreams


Time is going by so fast.  Sister Morgan will be going home on December 17th and Sister Smedley will be done in March. 

Speaking of Sister Smedley, I think the SD card that had all of the pictures on it from my time with her accidentally ended up in the garbage.  Last time I remember seeing it was on the table as I was switching camera cases a few weeks ago.  I left the room for a little while and Sister Kimball cleaned the kitchen while I was gone.  I am hoping it shows up, but I am afraid it won’t.  Luckily Sister Smedley is from Utah so I should be able to get pictures from her after I get home.

That is so crazy about the Mormon Channel series.  Last night, one of the dreams I had was a new video on Mormon Channel and I was super excited about it.  I would have never guessed there really was a new video or that it was about the Beards.  I should be able to watch it next week at our district meeting.

Guess what?

My responses: 

You are freezing?

You love me?

You sent me a letter?

Her answers:

  • I was freezing yesterday since the boiler in the church was broken and it was 22 degrees outside.  It was so cold, we ended up only having Sacrament Meeting.(she should be used to that since the old Herriman Bldg had the boiler go out all the time)
  • I do love you.
  • I am sending you a letter.
  • And. . . We got cornered by Jehovah Witnesses the other day.  In the first three minutes they shared two scriptures about satan and told us that we all have a demon following us and then tried to give us one of their magazines that was all about the devil. They left us with and awful feeling.  Also, they keep going where we go and I feel as if I am in a spiritual gang war!

We did get multiple offers for Thanksgiving, so we won’t be eating alone.  We will be having dinner with three single women.  I am getting so excited for the holidays!  It will be different since I am away from home, but will still be great!

Answers to questions I asked:

What was your most spiritually uplifting moment?  It was a lesson that we had with a part member family.  We had dinner with them and then we had her and her non-member husband watch the video, “ Because of Him.”  After it finished no one said anything and Sister Bee and I both felt prompted to stay silent and then the member clicked on the stop bullying video and we watched that and then we watched the “Mountains to Climb” video.  No one talked and the Spirit was super strong.  At the end, the husband whispered, “Wow… that was intense…”

What was the best part of your week?  Getting to know Sister Bee better and watching her silly side come out.

Hardest part of your week?  There were a couple rough things this week.  I guess the hardest was having people decline us.  It is always hard.

New or different foods you tried:  Ummm, homemade chocolate pudding (yep, she is used to the instant stuff) and more lamb.  We had lamb a few weeks ago too, but this time it was in shepherd’s pie.  It was really good.   Oh, and an autumn salad that had apples, raisins, carrots and mayo in it.

I have been blessed with some great and supportive Bishop’s throughout my life.  All Bishops do things a little different, but I appreciate them for that.  I miss the Bishops I grew up with and the Bishop in Manchester.

If you have any great Christmas music by LDS artists or MoTab, I would love some to listen to here in Maine!

Love you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sister Kimball, Sister Bee, Sister Miller and Whit

Snow in Maine.  The view from their apartment.

Sister Bee may end up with a sore back by the end of their training if they take too many selfies.  Whit is so, um, petite.

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