Monday, December 1, 2014

Snowed in...

It has been a crazy weather week.  We have had snow and icy, frozen roads.  On Wednesday we were on lock down at 4 (had to stay in the apartments because of dangerous weather conditions) and had to stay in the rest of the night.  On Saturday it just got way too cold to stay out any longer but we only missed half an hour of daylight and then Sunday we were on lock down all day until 3 in the afternoon.  Church was even cancelled because the roads were so dangerous.

We decorated our apartment for Christmas on Saturday.  We found some decorations that sisters had left behind.  We even found a little tree, lights and stockings.  We decided that was a good way to spend our time since we were on lockdown due to the nasty weather.

Thanksgiving was good, but I missed your cooking and being with family.  We had dinner with a lady in the ward who is divorced and her family was there too.  Her family is a mix of members, non-members and less active members.  They were all a lot of fun.  I tried eggnog.  It was okay, but not my favorite.  I got to play with their little kitten which was super cute.  After dinner we talked and then had dessert.  Compared to our family’s Thanksgiving it was really quiet.  At one point she said she was sorry for it being such a crazy Thanksgiving.  I just laughed and told her that it was calm compared to the Thanksgivings we have with our huge family. I am grateful that this family invited us to spend Thanksgiving with them.

After dinner we tried to contact a less active member that we have been trying to meet up with.  We went up to the house and there was only one light on and no one answered the door.  So we went ot the house next door that had all of their lights on and the garage door was open with both cars in it.  When we knocked on the door we thought we heard someone say come in.  We felt really awkward and just stood there but no one came to the door.  Sister Bee said, “Doo you want to feel the spirit?” so I sang it to the tune of “Do you wanna build a snowman?” and we created this whole song about letting us in to help you feel the spirit and sang it all on their doorstep.  Well no one answered so we started to walk up their driveway still singing our song when all of the sudden we hear, “Hello?”  We turn around and there is this guy standing in the garage and he just heard us singing.  We went over and invited him to the Christmas Party and said that we are from the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and he said he was a member.  Luckily Sister Bee was thinking quick on her feet and said, “Oh, sorry we’re both pretty new to the area and are still trying to get to know the members.”

Thanks for sharing the story of Ammon.  I have definitely felt the protection they talk of in Alma and I love the story of Ammon.  I love Alma 19 with the story of Abish, the part in verse 23 that says, “Now we see that Ammon could not be slain, for the Lord had said unto Mosiah, his father; I will spare him, and it shall be unto him according to thy faith – therefore, Mosiah trusted him unto the Lord.” I have totally seen that protection a lot on my mission!  From being protected from the group of drunk men, to the lady who locked us in a church and also just from creepy men and having the spirit with me to warn me of danger,  it is crazy.  We are so blessed.

Also, I love the story of Abish!  She is such a strong woman in the scriptures.  We’ve shared that story with quite a few people and showed them how she took that opportunity and had great faith even though not all of them believed, many of them did.  As you read it, you can see who was prepared to hear the gospel.

Sorry I wasn’t able to send more details of our week.  Please let others know I am sorry I didn’t have time to reply to everyone’s emails but I am thinking of them.

Love you lots!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Nerf gun war!

Picture an elder and I drew after our meeting

Crazy, windy blizzard

Snow storm the day before Thanksgiving.

Getting warm after tracting

I still love this had Grandma made me many years ago

Beautiful Maine

Whitney and Sister Bee

Snowy beach area

We accidentally drove here
 What do you do when you are stuck in your apartment all day?
Take silly selfies, of course.

This house is definitely ready for the holidays

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