So this week was pretty great!
I noticed I didn't take many pictures this week so I took a bunch of selfies for you to enjoy. :)
Monday was a fun Pday with our district that I told you about that afternoon.
On Tuesday we went with the Relief Society President, Sis. Senger, to visit and help some of the older sisters in the ward who were in the hospital the week before. Later we went and read the Book Of Mormon with an older less active member. Then we had dinner with one of the recent converts here and they fed us BBQ chicken and corn.
On Wednesday we had a great District meeting! We talked about the importance of following up with commitments and how commitments prepare people to make and keep sacred covenants. Then we had a great lesson with our investigator, Jessica! We talked about following the commandments and how we first have to strengthen ourselves before we can strengthen others. It was great!!! She is going to talk to her boss to see if she can have Sunday mornings off so she can go to church and she is also going to get September 5 off for her baptism!!!!!!!!
Later we had dinner with the member who lets us use his washer and dryer. We went over one of my favorite stories in the Book of Mormon: Alma 19 and the story of Abish! We had a great discussion with it about how she exercised her faith and how she had to be courageous in order to go from house to house so they could become converted as well. It is also amazing how her one act of faith had a domino effect and eventually those people buried their weapons of war and became and extremely righteous people. It truly testifies that you never know what one seemingly small act of faith can lead to.
You can learn more about Abish HERE
On Thursday we went and contacted our referral again that is 12 and talked to his dad and he wants to learn too! So we are seeing him on Tuesday! Can you say potential family?
Later we had dinner with another member and thanked her for all she does for us and for magnifying her calling and she was really thankful for that :)
Awkward moment: As we were about to say a prayer in the car before we went in for dinner, I was holding my umbrella and it somehow opened right into my face!
Friday was slow but great too!
Saturday we went tracting but no one was home! We even tried some less actives and referrals but still no one was home! But it was still a great day!
On Sunday Jessica came to church! She loved it! And the ward was SOOOOOOO welcoming to her!!!! And one of the members speaks Spanish and Jessica was excited to talk to her in her native language!!! Afterwards we had a great lesson with her and when we finished the lesson she reviewed all that we taught and pretty much retaught us the lesson!!!
Later we had dinner with the sweet couple who always have us over on Sundays and we also saw this lady we are teaching. It was a great week!
So I have been reading in Alma 25-30 this week. It amazes me the total change of heart the Lamanites had and how you could see their conversion through their actions! It is also cool ins Alma 27:18 how great Ammon's joy was and how he truly was an instrument in the Lord's hands. This Gospel is a gospel of joy and it makes you feel REAL!!!!
Love you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Please keep me updated!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Look at this awesome barbecue!!! |
Whitney and Sister DeWidt |
Fall?!?!?!?!?! |
Something is wrong... |
This is what I think of an early fall |
and this... |
getting the photography bug again... |
Happy girl in Vermont |