We haven't received pictures in a couple of weeks. Luckily the Relief Society President tagged her in a picture last week so I "borrowed" it for the blog. Well, she made up for it this week. You can tell she is missing her photography hobby.
This week was good
On Monday, we had FHE with a family in our ward. They fed us veggie lasagna. Then we played this game where we had a paper with sixteen boxes on it with different pictures, then we put an M&M on each square. We sent someone out and picked one of the squares to be the 'poison' we then called them back in and had them start eating the M&Ms and when they got to the poison on we all would yell stop before they ate it. After everyone in the family did it we talked about Captain Helaman and how he helped the people of Ammon keep their covenants and discussed how we can help our friends and family keep their covenants.
On Tuesday we saw one of our LA and also had dinner with a member. He fed us yummy homemade mac and cheese!
On Wednesday we had a great district meeting! Then we had a lesson with our investigator Edgar. It was great! He was able to recap almost all that we had read in the Book of Mormon the last time and he asked some great questions! Now we are just praying that he gets work off on Sunday so he can come to church.
We also had a great coordination that night and go to see a lot of the awesome members!
On Thursday no one was home when we went tracting! It was crazy! This whole week we've only had three people answer their doors! But we had a great dinner with another member and we had a great phone call scripture reading session with the LA family we are working with.
On Friday we weekly planned of course. Then we had dinner with another member at her BEAUTIFUL lakeside home! We had a great lesson with her on how as we observe the Sabbath day we can find more revelation and answers to our prayers. Then later we had another great phone call lesson!
On Saturday we went tracting and no one was really home but it was still a good week.
Sunday was CRAZY! The whole week we weren't able to get in contact with our investigator but then on Saturady she finally texted us wanting to come to church. And she CAME!!! Then we also had the LA family come to Sacrament meeting! Our investigator was also able to see a baptism and the Spirit was so STRONG!!!! The little girl who was getting baptized told the Bishop that she wanted all the members and missionaries to come to her baptism so that they could feel the Spirit. It was so cute! And her prayer was answered! Our investigator was in tears and just kept saying how much love there was.
Later we had another great lesson with our LA family and they might come to church again next week!
My studies have been great! I am in 3 Nephi now where Christ comes to the Americas. I love how it testifies of how personal Christ is and of His love! I love how he has them come up one by one!
Awkward moment: When a cat jumps up on the table and puts its face right up to yours as you are praying over the food.....
Love you lots!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! See you soon...
She gets to see these beautiful sites every day! |
She sent this picture because she says her eyes look creepy. I think they look beautiful! |
Whitney and Sister DeWidt |
Umm, I don't think Whit got the silly face message... |
She said as she took this picture Sister DeWidt received a gift of good luck... a bird pooped on her head. |
fall colors in August |
path near their apartment |
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