Monday, September 28, 2015

See you next week!!!

This week we found several solid potentials. They were too busy to meet with us right then but they expressed sincere desire for us to return and share our message.  One woman even told us specifically to come back in the middle of October and said, "I truly want you to come back and share your message." With another lady I felt impressed to go back to this house that I had seen a lady at a couple of months ago.  We knocked on her door and even though she is really busy at the moment and unsure of her schedule she gave us the times that she normally gets home and accepted a copy of the Book of Mormon! We also found a lost member while tracting that we are going to check back up on.  We also have a new investigator.  She is super sweet and very open.

J was confirmed on Sunday. It was an incredible and sweet blessing.  The spirit was so strong and you could see the change in her! It was like she was glowing! She was so happy. Afterwards the members continued to come up and welcome her.  She is also thinking about going to BUY or going on a mission! She is doing so good and many great things are in store for her! She has been talking to her mom about what she has learned, felt and experienced and her mom is very happy for her.

It is strange to think that I only have a week left, but I plan to make the most of it and end like I have the fire of a "greeny" in their first week!!!

Oh, and our car was attacked by a huge dog with us inside screaming! But it was protected because the dog couldn't even tough the car or scratch it as it was trying to jump on it. Wow!  Also, I don't know how I didn't hit it when it ran out in front of us.

For Women's Conference we went to the church and had a little get together.  We had tacos before conference started.  The talks were all amazing!!!

Also, this past Sunday was the last time to attend the Lamoille Valley Ward since conference is this weekend.  As an outgoing missionary, I had the opportunity to speak in sacrament meeting.  I was also able to say goodbye to most people before we headed out. 

We were able to watch part of the eclipse from inside our apartment.  It was pretty awesome!  Just think, we were looking at the moon at the same time all the way across the country from each other.

It's hard to think of leaving because here I've known pretty much what I need to do and I can see the affects of my labors and the change in peoples' lives but at home I won't be able to.  Then it's hard to leave all of these people too. 

Speaking of leaving, Sister Nikulas called te Mission Office and asked if we could sing the song she wrote at my final transfer meeting... I just found out this morning... It is the song she wrote based on the testimony I shared near the start of my mission in Manchester.  The MP just has to give his final approval and it's a go.

Well, I gotta go. Love you, have a great week!!!

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